11 minute read

In the vast landscape of mental health, one condition often overshadowed by its more recognized counterpart is Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD). Distinct from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), OCPD reveals its own set of challenges, shaping the way individuals navigate their daily lives1. While both conditions share some similarities, it is essential to understand the unique characteristics of OCPD and the impact it can have on one’s experiences.

Unlike the intrusive thoughts and ritualistic behaviors associated with OCD, OCPD manifests as an all-encompassing desire for order, perfectionism, and a relentless need for control. Those with OCPD find themselves caught in a cycle of striving for flawlessness, meticulously adhering to self-imposed standards, and fearing the consequences of any perceived failure2. From personal relationships to professional endeavors, OCPD influences every aspect of life, often leading to a constant internal struggle for acceptance and validation.

In this deeply personal blog post, I invite you into my world as I share my journey of grappling with OCPD across various environments. I will provide insight into the challenges I’ve faced in relationships, the workplace, and even within myself. Each setting presents its unique set of hurdles, as OCPD impacts how I interact with others, perceive success, and cope with the relentless demands I place on myself3.

By delving into my experiences with OCPD, I hope to shed light on the complexity of this condition and offer solace to those who may find themselves in a similar struggle. Together, we will explore coping mechanisms, strategies for self-acceptance, and avenues for seeking support in navigating the intricate landscapes affected by OCPD.

Join me on this intimate exploration as we uncover the layers of OCPD and strive to foster understanding, compassion, and resilience in the face of this often overlooked mental health condition.


Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) is characterized by a set of symptoms that profoundly impact an individual’s life. Those with OCPD have an intense need for order and control, often striving for perfectionism not only for themselves but also for those around them. Every detail must be meticulously planned and executed according to rigid standards. From organizing their personal belongings to maintaining a structured environment, individuals with OCPD are driven by an overwhelming desire to keep things in perfect order. Any deviation from their self-imposed rules can cause distress and anxiety. This relentless pursuit of perfection often takes a toll on their personal relationships and overall well-being, as the quest for order becomes all-consuming. While it’s important to recognize and appreciate the value of organization, it’s equally crucial to understand the challenges faced by those with OCPD, as they navigate a world where perfectionism rules their thoughts and actions.

In isolation, these don’t sound like an issue. After all, who wouldn’t want to throw that perfect birthday party, or have an organized drawer, or plan their work day based on relative importance of tasks. In fact, many books even ask you to do those things. Ask Mary Kondo, the renowned organizing expert, and she’ll encourage you to adopt her principles of relentless organization, ensuring every aspect of your life is neatly arranged. Likewise, books like ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ by Timothy Ferriss advocate setting up your schedule in advance, whether it’s in the morning or the night before, as a key step towards achieving success.

However, as someone living with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), I can attest that the mantra of relentless organization is taken to an extreme for individuals like us. For us, the success or failure of a day hinges on being perfectly organized from the start. Even a task that may take a mere 30 minutes or more becomes an impossible hurdle if there’s even a shred of uncertainty about the time available. Our brains shut down, urging us not to attempt it until we have a guaranteed 30 minutes in our schedule. I once spent a painstaking four hours attempting to bake three cakes for my spouse’s birthday, only to end up with none of them turning out as desired. Could I have simply bought the cakes from a store and enjoyed that precious time with her instead? Logically, yes. But my brain refused to let me do so, bombarding me with self-criticism: ‘You have failed’, ‘Your cakes are not good enough’, ‘Keep trying until you fix this’. The struggle is real.

OCPD @ Social Situations

Despite appearances, I don’t naturally fit the mold of a social butterfly. Sure, when you meet me, you might think I’m an extrovert based on my ability to initiate and sustain conversations effortlessly. My wife often describes me as outgoing, but deep down, I know that’s not entirely true. Engaging in conversations requires a tremendous amount of effort on my part. When we’re talking, my focus is not solely on the words exchanged; I’m constantly attuned to a multitude of cues. From analyzing sentence structure, intonation, and speech patterns to observing non-verbal signals like body language and even fleeting glances towards other conversations, my mind is processing a myriad of information. In fact, I’m always simultaneously listening to at least three different conversational streams happening around me. I can effortlessly process and respond to all three, discussing unrelated topics with separate groups of people all at once. It may sound like a superpower, but I can assure you it’s not. Engaging in this heightened state of awareness is mentally exhausting. The sheer intensity of processing and analyzing every nuance takes its toll, and I can only maintain this state for about 15 minutes before feeling completely drained.

“Just pace yourself”

“Don’t worry about what other people are doing or thinking”.

Yeah, I wish I could.

OCPD @ Home

Have you ever experienced one of those blissful afternoons when you can just let go, lounging by the pool with your eyes closed and a peaceful emptiness in your mind? Well, that’s not something I can relate to. It seems like ages since I last had such a carefree moment. My mind is always in motion, continuously buzzing with thoughts and ideas. It’s not just one thing occupying my thoughts; it’s a whirlwind of a million things. If I’m not fixated on what I should be doing, I’m consumed by thoughts of what I’m not accomplishing at the present moment. There’s a constant underlying pressure to be ‘productive’, which creates a peculiar internal struggle. I crave relaxation, yet my mind resembles a hamster on an eternal wheel, ceaselessly spinning. It urges me to stay busy, reminding me that I’m wasting precious time by simply sitting here.

Even after a rough or exhausting day, the expectation to keep pushing forward persists. The notion of resting feels like an alien concept. While my body craves respite, my mind races at a hundred miles an hour, refusing to pause. I find myself unable to stop, rest, relax, or even sleep. I’m caught in a state where my mind operates at full throttle, while my physically exhausted body struggles to keep pace. It’s an overwhelming sensation—being mentally driven yet physically incapable of keeping up with the relentless momentum.

OCPD @ Work

Navigating the complexities of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) becomes particularly challenging when it intertwines with the demands of the work environment. OCPD, with its emphasis on perfectionism and a need for order, can initially seem like a desirable trait in the professional world. After all, who wouldn’t appreciate someone meticulous and dedicated to processes and efficiency? However, when taken to the extreme, OCPD can lead to detrimental effects. Individuals with OCPD often find themselves in positions of authority or influence, as they become known as reliable problem-solvers and drivers of results. They ensure projects are delivered on time, executed flawlessly, and teams are working optimally. Their high-functioning nature is often rewarded with promotions and recognition.

Yet, there are instances when this dynamic can backfire dramatically. Ambiguous projects with no clear vision become magnified challenges. The sense of lacking impact, feeling inadequate, and not measuring up intensifies. Doubts start to creep in, and thoughts spiral out of control. Self-doubt takes hold, questioning one’s abilities, worth, and even existence. Why? Because the project lacked definition. Because the team lacks a cohesive vision aligned with the organization’s objectives. Because there is no clear path to success. In these moments, a profound sense of failure engulfs us, leaving no room for anything else.

Overcoming this daunting mindset requires immense willpower and the realization that it is not our fault. It is not our fault if a project lacks clarity or if the team lacks vision. It is not our fault if we cannot find a clear path to success or if we feel like failures. Acknowledging this truth becomes the catalyst for change. It empowers us to forge our own path, to create clarity where there is none, and to envision a future where none existed before. That’s the challenge inherent in our roles, and it’s a journey worth embarking on.

OCPD @ School

Ah, the memories of school in Asia, where the pursuit of excellence reigns supreme. It’s a place where one’s worth is measured by their ability to outperform others. The intense competition and constant pressure to excel flood my mind with memories. Examinations, the ultimate test of our knowledge and skills, serve as a battleground where we strive to prove our worth. For individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), this environment can bring out both the best and the worst in us.

I recall waking up at the crack of dawn, day after day, relentlessly studying. The pursuit of perfection consumed me. Undoubtedly, my efforts paid off, and I achieved remarkable academic success. However, it was never enough. In my relentless quest for perfection, I sacrificed social opportunities and the simple joys of being a carefree child. Looking back, I yearn to tell my younger self that everything will be alright. That years from now, the world won’t be fixated on that 98% math exam score. That it’s perfectly acceptable to embrace our inner child, to enjoy life, and to embrace our imperfections.

OCPD @ Relationships

Maintaining relationships with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) can be challenging. The impact of our actions extends beyond the immediate moment, leading us to overanalyze and overthink every aspect. As a result, we tend to come across as controlling, calculated, and even manipulative, though that is not our intention. Our primary goal is to ensure that our words and actions are precisely understood as we intended them to be. Consequently, we meticulously plan our responses, carefully choosing our words and actions. Letting go of this level of control is difficult for us. However, in relationships, honesty and transparency are essential. This is an area where we often struggle. So, the next time you notice me pausing before answering a question, please remember that my intention is not to manipulate but rather to ensure that I express myself accurately and sincerely.

OCPD @ Self

Authentic self-esteem is a constant struggle for me. I often find it difficult to believe in my own worthiness and capabilities. The inner dialogue is filled with self-doubt, where I question if I’m good enough, smart enough, strong enough, or attractive enough. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that something is fundamentally wrong with me. This lack of self-esteem manifests in various ways, such as prioritizing the desires of others over my own. Even in simple situations like choosing between Chinese and Indian food, I readily abandon my preferences to accommodate others. These patterns are deeply rooted in Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) and can be challenging to break free from.

Rebuilding self-esteem is a journey of self-discovery and self-compassion. It involves recognizing my inherent worth, setting boundaries, and honoring my own desires and aspirations. It’s about challenging the belief that self-care is selfish and embracing the understanding that my needs are valid. By cultivating a nurturing relationship with myself, I can embark on a path of healing and growth. Though it may take time, I’m committed to this transformative journey, reclaiming my self-worth, and embracing the strength that lies within.

OCPD @ Therapy

In the journey of navigating life with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), therapy emerges as a powerful tool for understanding the intricate workings of our minds. It’s important to recognize that seeking help and seeking to comprehend the unique experiences shaped by OCPD is not only acceptable but a courageous step towards personal growth.

As someone intimately familiar with the challenges of OCPD, I spent years grappling with an unyielding desire to comprehend why my brain functioned differently. It was through the guidance of therapy that I began to unravel the complexities within. Over the course of months, therapy provided me with invaluable insights, leading to a profound realization: it’s not solely about me, and that’s perfectly alright.

Therapy for OCPD allows us to embrace the multitude of emotions, thoughts, and experiences that shape our lives. It affirms that it’s okay to have intense feelings, intricate thought patterns, and a unique perspective. It’s a journey of self-acceptance, reminding us that we are allowed to be exactly who we are. Through therapy, I have discovered the strength to acknowledge and honor my authentic self, fostering a greater sense of self-worth and compassion towards myself.

So, for those walking the path of OCPD, therapy serves as a guiding light, illuminating the way towards understanding, acceptance, and self-empowerment. It’s a powerful resource that encourages us to embrace our individuality, to celebrate our thoughts and emotions, and to find solace in the knowledge that we are not alone. Together, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery, fostering a deep sense of inner harmony and well-being.


  1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. 

  2. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/obsessive-compulsive-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20354463 

  3. National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2021). Personality disorders. Retrieved from https://www.nami.org/About-Mental-Illness/Mental-Health-Conditions/Personality-Disorders 
